more about employing social media

<div style=”margin-bottom:5px”> <strong> <a href=”; title=”Employing social media” target=”_blank”>Employing social media</a> </strong> from <strong><a href=”; target=”_blank”>Mike Quinlan</a></strong> </div>


Try a creative approach to your resume by using a SlideShare presentation

ImageMove away from self preservation to self presentation.

SlideShare is a media sharing site that allows you (as the name and tagline suggests) to create slide show style presentations that you can share on or the presentation can be easily embedded into your website or blog. You can also share your presentations on all of the popular social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn, in addition to providing viewing capabilities for mobile devices. In the scenario of an employment search, it can be another very powerful social media tool to utilize for Continue reading

3 More social media preparations for getting hired…

binocularsMy last blog post, Screen your social media before your future employer does outlined ways to monitor and cleanup your social media presence to prepare for getting started on your job search. Now it is time to mention some of the social media tools that you can use to optimize your online search for your future job and give you the edge that you need to Continue reading

Screen your social media before your future employer does.

ImageLet’s face it, social media has become part of our daily lives and has evolved the way people act and think. It has also changed the ways a person looks for a job as well as how businesses recruit and hire new employees. If you are searching for a new job it is important to take into consideration how you represent yourself through your social media networks to make sure you make it to your next interview, because how you market yourself is part of the hiring process and a lot of companies currently recruit and screen prospective employees. According to a 2012 survey from “nearly two in five companies (37 percent) use social networking sites to research job candidates” and “eleven percent report they do not currently use social media to screen, but plan to start”.  When looking at today’s competitive job market and the growth in social media usage these numbers will to continue to grow as businesses strive to keep up with the times in finding new ways to find the perfect candidate.

In order to be ready to land that next job let’s start with the first preparation to before you put your name out there…

Start with Continue reading